Wednesday, January 03, 2007

heaven in '07 y'all

ok... so, while in line buying something I can't remember, which now makes me feel like i waste monies on things that i cant remember, it was probably candy or lotion, or the clueless dvd, not for me, because I own it, but i think i lent mine out to someone, if you have my clueless dvd please give it back ... it's way past polite borrowing time... i won't be upset, just return it. now.

Ok, so while in line buying useless things i cannot remember, I was reading Oprah magazine, she ran this article, and it read like this:

"Every time I find myself in a situation where there appears to be no solution that will make everyone happy, I ask myself three questions:

What are the consequences of my decision in 10 minutes?
In 10 months
And in 10 years?

this makes sense... maybe this is a nice guideline for now... puts decisions in perspective. thanks Oprah (magazine)!

i don't really need to make any new resolutions this year... it's always the same thing ... make the most of it, cause it might be a terrible letdown or a glorious uprising but half of that is in your control, you get to choose how to work it.

all sound a bit too corny? I know, but it works, it's a nice thing to have in the background...

what was the point of this post some may ask? well it's just a way for me to ask you to make the most of this year, and then, if you have a minute, let me know how you're doing. that's all...

best to you in the new year...

friendship and all that is awesome,


1 comment:

Ms. Elfenbein said...

I like Oprah's quote, and the corniness is cool in my book.

you adorable peach.

anywho, since you asked, I'm doing alright. But I miss you terribly and therefore my year will not be alright without you in it.

So...I think It's time to make a trip to the bubble.

yes. the calabasas bubble.

Still, since I know that won't be happening, I will see you in a weekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

wow. that makes me elated.

love you.