Thursday, April 03, 2008


the thing is, some people either love her or can't do it, and that's understandable, I still cannot stand the sound of smooth 1990s saxaphone jazz, and some people go crazy for it --- but for those that just don't feel for Björk, I'd suggest three things:

1. look at her and find it in your heart to want to hug the crap outta her cause she's creepiliy too adorable... like a possum or something.

2. listen to joga --

3. watch her videos and high five her for that alone.

watch: Wanderlust

The making of Wanderlust:

1 comment:

kat said...

i just watched that video this morning, and i had to stop cause

a) it was taking too long to load
and b) the backpack person was scaring the shit out of me.